The War and Post-War Years

It was hard during the 1940s for film in that you had the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor and the loss of foreign markets. However, Hollywood movies bounced back from 1943-1946 after the rise of sound film production. Improving the technical aspects like sound recording, lighting, special effects, cinematography, and use of color made films more watchable.

At the end of the war, the most profitable year for Hollywood was in 1946 with major highs in audience goers. Films were starting to take on a more realistic tone compared to escapist such as during the Great Depression years in the 30s. Even if the films themselves were not about war, there were many themes that could relate to audiences about courage and bravery. Prepare to see the great works of Humphrey Bogart, Orson Welles, Alfred Hitchcock, and many others.

Film History of the 1940s